Re: Agile Wallaby Deaths at the Trinity Beach Sporting Precinct

• A total of 49 wallabies (adults and joeys) have been found dead at the Trinity Beach Sporting Precinct since the 21st of August 2019. Please refer to the map in the comments section for specific locations. A digital version of the map can be accessed through the link below. Please note* the contents within this map can be confrontational and graphic. You can click on each data point and see the image of the deceased wallaby.…

• TAP was of the understanding that DES had arranged for samples to be sent to them from the vet, for them to organise toxicology testing. Today, we received confirmation that this did not occur.

• TAP and the nominated veterinary clinic have now arranged samples to be given to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland (DAF) as they have agreed to perform toxicology testing. TAP has agreed to pay freight costs (approx. $350).

• The samples are being delivered tonight and should arrive at DAF tomorrow.

• TAP has notified Cairns Council of the delay in toxicology results.

• The nominated veterinary clinic has confirmed they will inform TAP of the toxicology results as soon as DAF has completed the tests and returned them.

• Symptoms seen on the dead wallabies include – white eyes, frothing from the mouth (while dying), deep flesh wounds and decapitation.

• It is important to note, TAP is a non-profit community rehabilitation incorporation. We are doing the best we can to assist authorities in the investigation, but it will ultimately be in the hands of Local and State Government on how they wish to proceed once results return.